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How to choose charger manufacturer

Gryda Gryda 2020-02-12 18 1

As a purchaser, when you need to purchase a batch of chargers, how do you find suppliers, and how to select the most suitable partners among many charger manufacturers. It requires a lot of skills and relevant experience. Today, I'd like to share with you how an old buyer will choose the charger manufacturer when purchasing power products.

1. First of all, it is necessary to clarify the company's requirements. What kind of charger products the company wants, what is its purpose, and what are the rigid requirements for the specifications and parameters of the charger. For example, if it needs to be sold to Europe as a supporting product, then we must ensure that the charger purchased must pass the European certification and the European six level energy efficiency standard. Knowing these requirements, we can narrow our screening scope and take fewer detours.

2. Fully understand the information of charger manufacturer. The size of the factory, the number of employees, the time of operation, etc., in addition to getting the information of the charger manufacturer from the network as much as possible, we should also communicate with their business personnel, and sometimes many useful information can be obtained by asking more questions.

3. Don't be too greedy when selecting manufacturers. It's the responsibility of purchasing to help the company to save production cost to the maximum extent. Many purchases and purchases also depend on the price at the first sight. There's no mistake in using price as a reference, but it's cheaper if it's just a one-way map. That's too short-sighted, and it's often a small mistake.

For example, a 12W charger can be sold from 5 yuan to 100 yuan in the market. Things made by small factories are indeed cheap, but you will feel cheated after using them. They are either unstable in performance or short in service life. As far as chargers are concerned, there is even the danger of explosion. Such chargers will only make consumers and customers feel that the quality of our products is too poor. Money is saved, but the company is going to die. So it makes sense to pay a cent for goods. Especially for some old manufacturers, if they can survive for such a long time, their product price must also have corresponding quality support.

Purchasing is a very technical work. In addition to paying attention to these problems, there are many things to learn. At ordinary times, we should also pay attention to the accumulation of relevant knowledge. If you work for a long time, you will naturally accumulate some experience. It will be easier to work.

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